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DATE                 PUBLICATION                 ARTICLE

2019.10.24            明報地產金頁           鎮屋比柏文貴$2萬 (Townhome is $20K Costlier than Condo)

2019.09.26           明報地產金頁           北約克C06 老屋地皮大 具備潛質 (C06 Vintaged Homes Large Lot Good Potential)

2018.11.01              明報地產金頁          活力洋溢 學風濃厚 完善發展 萬錦WISMER區 (Vibrant, Studious, Well Developed)

2018.08.27           明報地產金頁           Jefferson社區溫馨家居 環境優美 校網出色 心思裝修 (Great Schools, Upgrades)

2018.05.03           明報地產金頁           典雅傳統 現代便利 Victoria Square 理想家居 (Elegant, Convenient, Ideal...)

2018.04.26           星島地產王              名校區 地段寬 價值穩 培育家庭 列市Devonsleigh (Top School, Large Lot...)

2018.04.12            明報地產金頁          奧羅拉 Rural Aurora, 人氣急升社區
, 田園變現代生活樂土(New, Popular, Modern...)

2017.06.29           明報地產金頁           北約克市中心地鐵沿線 城市鎮屋 生活多姿 ( Vibrant... North York Subway Line)

2017.05.25           明報地產金頁           多倫多尊崇C12區 York Mills 豪華鎮屋樓花 ( Exquisite Pre-construction... in C12...)

2017.05.11             明報地產金頁          優良環境,出色校網, Berczy社區成作育英才熱點 (Berczy Offers Great Schools...)

2017.05.02           Calgary Herald     How vital real estate has become to Canada's economy!

2017.04.13           明報地產金頁           列治文山JEFFERSON酷屋,時尚品味豪裝, 現代舒適生活(A Chic Richmond Hill Home)

2015.04.16           明報地產金頁           地點佳, 交通便, 校網勁, Buttonville 欣欣向榮 ( ... Brilliant Buttonville)

2015.04.16           明報地產金頁           $50萬進駐 Oak Ridges 優秀家居 (Quality 500K Richmond Hill Low-rises)

2015.04.16           明報地產金頁           $4000 為房屋扮靚成交價高$20萬 ($4k Staging Fetched Extra $200k in Sale)

2015.04.16           明報地產金頁           搶Offer 新戰缐 Wismer 優質鎮屋搶手 (Wismer Properties in High Demand)

2015.04.10           明報地產金頁           易入行難出頭,兩成經紀全年無飯開-至少捱3年 (Easy to Get Started, Tough to Make It)

2014.12.18            明報地產金頁           多倫多 Bayview Village 區出眾典雅鎮屋 (Exquisite Townhome at Bayview Village)

2014.10.24           明報                          '上車盤'易於負擔, 屋價便宜升值快 (Stouffville:1st Time Homebuyer Opportunities)

2014.10.23           明報地產金頁           萬錦市Cachet 優質地段自住投資皆宜 (Excellent Cachet Neighbourhood)

2014.09.18           明報地產金頁           萬錦市大教堂鎮區 逾萬多呎大地段豪宅 (Cathedraltown Mansion)

2014.07.17           明報地產金頁           樂韻悠揚 溫馨安樂窩 (Life is Music Home Sweet Home)

2014.05.24          明報星期六周刊       夾錢買樓賺錢心法 (Real Estate Joint Investment)

2014.03.27          明報地產金頁           美好生活 (Wonderful Life) 在 Victoria Square, Markham

2013.09.05          明報地產金頁           Bishop's Gate 豪華鎮屋 品味之選 (Luxurious & Tasteful)

2013.07.04          明報地產金頁           Markham Cachet 升值潛力高 要買趁早 (Real Estates with High Upside Potential)

2013.08.22          明報地產金頁           多城樓市 淡季反升 (Toronto Property Market - Hot This Summer)

2013.06.27          明報地產金頁           Bur Oak 一條街屋價5年升 30% (+30% in 5 Years)

2013.06.13           明報地產金頁           活在充滿活力和潛力的 Cathedraltown

2013.06.06          明報地產金頁           生活在 Stouffville 大自然

2013.05.30          明報地產金頁           紅河谷溫馨家居 Parsborough Court, Rouge River

2013.05.02          明報地產金頁           Cathedraltown 屋盤 • 高增值高需求 (High Demand, High Potential)

2013.04.06         明報星期六周刊       名校區樓盤不准買家驗樓 (Inspection Condition Waiver Expected?!)

2013.04.04         明報地產金頁           品味家居 • 温韾華麗 (@ 26 Gesher Cres, Thornhill Woods)

2013.02.14          明報地產金頁           特設主題特色家居 in Thornhill Woods

2013.02.07         星島地產王周刊        Downtown公寓 買家 趨年輕化

2013.01.31           明報地產金頁            豪華鎮屋 ‧ 歐陸風情 , 顯赫氣派 (@ 27 Elkhorn Drive Unit 20, Bayview Village)

2012.12.11            地産周刊                    根深葉茂,面面俱到

2012.11.16           世界日報                     華人經紀 - 明年房巿好過今年

2012.11.10           明報星期六周刊         我買柏文,租客供

2012.05.05        明報星期六周刊         樓價今年不跌反升,專家教你揀樓買

2011.08.20         明報星期六周刊        合約藏「蠱惑」條款樓花價加完又加

2011.06.04         明報星期六周刊        成交快回報高多倫多租盤王

2011.04.02         明報星期六周刊        最佳小學華裔學生多區內屋價看漲 


DATE                    PROGRAM                   TOPIC / LINK

2014.01.03         焦點對話 WOWtv    大多地區房市展望 (2014 GTA Property Market Outlook)

2011.09.28         活在五點(Life@5)     買賣樓花知多少 (About purchasing preconstruction condos)

2011.08.17          活在五點(Life@5)     專家教您選購新Condo (Tips on buying new condos)

2011.04.06         活在五點(Life@5)     房屋校網區及其升值潛力 (Home's school zone & price impact)

2011.03.09         晨早360 (BT360)       新區介紹 : 萬錦Cornell (Neighbourhood: Cornell)

2011.01.20          晨早360 (BT360)      訂造屋例子: North York (A custom built home in North York)

2010.08.18         晨早360 (BT360)      讓房屋升值的佈置 (Staging)

2010.06.30        晨早360 (BT360)      新區介紹 : 萬錦Greensborough  (Neighbourhood: Greensborough) 

2010.06.01         晨早360 (BT360)      如何選擇有潛力的房屋 (Tips on shopping for potential home)

2010.05.25         晨早360 (BT360)      如何裝修佈置達取好價II (Staging II)

2010.05.06        晨早360 (BT360)       如何裝修佈置達取好價I (Staging I)

2010.04.22        晨早360 (BT360)       如何舊樓番新圖利 (Flipping aged houses)


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